Hi, I’m Christianne! I am married to the love of my life and have 3 kids- two in heaven, 1 here and we’re obsessed with them all!
I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance when I was 15. At that time there was very little info on it, very few recipes, and the only products I could find were full of preservatives and nasty sweeteners. I remember right after my diagnosis going to Good Earth (similar to Whole Foods) with my Mom and she bought me basically all the gluten free stuff we could find. It was so depressing when I started to make each of these highly processed items and seeing not only could I not follow my previously healthy eating style, but all my favorite foods were gone and no substitute tasted good!
It was also near impossible to find a restaurant that was accommodating to gluten free, let alone had a gluten free menu! I even remember bringing a gf pancake mix with me to a restaurant and asking them to make me the pancakes or waffles from that 😂
As I learned more about health, it became increasingly clear to me that I needed to find better, healthier gf recipes and that heavily processed and packaged food just wasn’t for me. Now there are so many restaurants that accommodate gf and have a dedicated menu and there are so many amazing blogs dedicated to bringing healthy, unprocessed meals to your table. I’m here to hopefully take some of the stress out of it and let you benefit from my trial and error!
My diet: we try to steer clear from processed foods and refined sugar. We believe in eating food closest to its most natural source and organic whenever possible. We eat meat very sparingly (about 1-2 times/week) and feel strongly that our meat should be humanely raised, with room to have a normal life until the end.
We eat abt 90% whole, unprocessed food and natural, unrefined sugars, and 10% foods that don’t fit this category. I have had to go dairy-free a few times in my life and am currently dairy-limited, so many of the recipes posted will have dairy free modifications. I typically make 2-3 new recipes per week and if I like them, I file them away into my master cookbook! I will post the ones I like along with my modifications and tips for gf, df, or just healthier. I will continue updating restaurants, etc. I will also post any clean living products I have found and like. Feel free to message me with any questions!
What this blog is:
Body, mind, and soul
**I am not a health professional and am merely sharing my experiences.