Hi, I’m Christianne! I am married to the love of my life and have 3 kids- two in heaven, 1 here and we’re obsessed with them all!
I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance when I was 15. At that time there was very little info on it, very few recipes, and the only products I could find were full of preservatives and nasty sweeteners. It was also near impossible to find a restaurant that was accommodating to gluten free, let alone had a gluten free menu! I even remember bringing a gf pancake mix with me to a restaurant and asking them to make me the pancakes or waffles from that 😂
As I learned more about health, it became increasingly clear to me that I needed to find better, healthier gf recipes and now there are so many restaurants that accommodate gf and have a dedicated menu! I’m here to hopefully take some of the stress out of it and let you benefit from my trial and error!
My diet: we try to steer clear from processed foods and refined sugar. We eat abt 90% unprocessed food and natural unrefined sugars, and 10% “other” foods. I typically make 2-3 new recipes per week and will post the ones I like and will continue updating restaurants, products, etc. I will also post any clean living products I have found and like. Feel free to message me with any questions!
What this blog is:
Physical, emotional, and spiritual health