First, I know I always specify this, but I likely always will until I’m 100% sure I’m 100% understood. Anything I post with veggies subbed for other ingredients will NEVER be to make it less “fattening” or anything like that. It’s simply because I like to try to add veggies in any way I can in every meal I can.
That being said, this cauliflower gnocchi is AMAZING!! I was a little lost as to what to top it with since we have food sensitivities to dairy and tomatoes (and more ) over here. I did some recipe searching and found Minimalist Baker’s Vegan Pesto!! The first time my husband had this gnocchi, he wasn’t a fan, but the next time when he had it with the pesto, he was sold!
- Lexi from LCK has the best way to cook it in the frying pan (don’t follow pkg instructions), but she has a sauce recommendation I wasn’t able to try, so if you’d like to have it with pesto, follow all her directions until you hit the sauce part (aka only for cooking the gnocchi itself (steps 1-3)). At that point, remove the gnocchi and either toss the gnocchi with pesto or let each person do it to their preference.
- I use avocado oil for sautéing the gnocchi
- This recipe uses Trader Joe’s frozen Cauliflower Gnocchi. If you can’t/don’t want to buy cauliflower gnocchi, Paleo Gluten Free Eats has a recipe for homemade here. I haven’t tried it yet, but I love most of her recipes and will try the homemade version soon
- I use walnuts instead of pine nuts in the MB pesto recipe as she recommends.