I shouldn’t even have to say/address this, but unfortunately because of the culture we live in, I do. I have received comments on my body my whole life, positive or negative and I am not alone in …
Gratitude as a Form of Self Care
I shared the emotional/spiritual side of 2 of my children’s passing and how gratitude was what saved us and has helped us see our lives not as tragedies, but as beautiful lives the way God intended. …
Why we celebrate the birthdays of our children who’ve passed away
Warning: this post may be triggering for those dealing with PTSD in the passing of a child Today is a different kind of post. It’s my third child’s birthday today (I don’t share any of my …
Why we celebrate the birthdays of our children who’ve passed awayRead More
Why Branch Basics
First off, this post is not sponsored. I’m just passionate about ridding our lives of all the toxins we have control over. There are so many we can’t control, so wouldn’t we want to control the ones …
Environmental Toxins
Let's talk environmental toxins we don't often think about and how to reduce our exposure. There are some environmental toxins we just don't really look hard at until there's a problem: lead, mold, …
My Health Journey
Obviously, this isn’t touching on every single thing, just some of the major and what I’m comfortable sharing. I also want to preface by saying a lot of my story is where modern medicine failed me, …
Safer Kitchenware
I used to feel like almost anything that was sold (by major retailers and commonly used) were just safe, but as I researched credible sources, I found this is not the case. I don’t believe there’s …
Why we eat organic and how to avoid/limit exposure to glyphosate.
There are many reasons we personally eat organic, but one of the main ones is glyphosate. I’m sure you are all well of what glyphosate is and what it means for us, but if not, that’s what …
Why we eat organic and how to avoid/limit exposure to glyphosate.Read More
What “Clean Living” Means To Me
I hesitated to use this word for my blog since it’s associated with diets and I don’t believe in them, but it was the best word I could think of to encompass what the focus of this blog is. This is …