Today’s recipe is a unique one. Why? Because if it were just for taste, golden milk would not be my drink of choice. I know some people who love the taste. I like it, but prefer hot cocoa or herbal tea. That being said, I drink it for the benefits and while I don’t hate the taste and have come to like it, please don’t think I’m saying it tastes amazing! You can read more about some of them here and here. The latter isn’t a scientific source, but all the info is from scientific sources (check her footnotes), but in summary, turmeric is anti inflammatory and immune boosting, so I drink this especially when I’m under the weather or feel like my system needs a little extra help! The pepper may seem like a weird addition, but they increase bioavailability and absorption by 2,000% (source), so don’t skip it!
- I rarely keep two kinds of milk on hand so I just use all coconut or all almond milk (or any kind of nut milk)
- While the maple syrup is good in it, I omit to limit sugar consumption and it still tastes fine to me
- I use powdered cinnamon plus a cinnamon stick, and a little extra powdered cinnamon on top
Recipe here! Enjoy!